Dinosaurs. Most of them evolved into
birds, others became dragons. But a few grew into some species somewhere in the middle. Birds with a few dragon
genes. They could create fire, and use it as a weapon. A mostly kind and peaceful race, they lived with humans
for many and many years. But, a rotten apple can ruin the whole barrel. Evil, bad, non-good, birdies took
control of the planet. This was followed by a seemingly non-ending human rebellion, until the death toll got so
high that the Abada Acha birds decided to pack their bags and leave. They hid on a planet deep in the fifth dimension,
the realm between our world and cyberspace. They adapted, collecting splices of data and merging them to form a homeland
for them to live. For many years, Abada Acha birds went into hiding, troubled by our warlike ways.
The first birds one would see if they were to visit the Abada Acha world
would be the Coca Cola birds. (Not only Abada Acha birds live here.) I call them that because they poop out cans a beverage
that resembles coke. They use it as a kind of an energy drink. Coca Cola birds are about 7 ft tall on average. Their
intellect varies greatly; the IQ range that is considered average would be anywhere from 70 to 140, although as high
as 200 and as low as 40 occur fairly often. Their ability is to poop cans of coke the size of 20 gallon drums. As
they hit the ground, they explode, sending tidal waves of coke and sharp metal fragments everywhere. Coca Cola birds host
aerial dogfights monthly (yes, they use the same time scale), as a ritual, to show some kind of pecking order.
The Abada Acha birds are very advanced and extremely intelligent.
They say the concepts like infinity and time are ridiculous, that they are just convenient terms
humans use as placeholders to represent concepts they don't understand. The average IQ is 170, so an
Abada Acha bird standard of genius is 210, and below 130 would be retarded. Their feathers are super hard and overlap like
armor plates, making them bulletproof, against really small arms, like .45 caliber, or smaller. They have explosive poop. Imagine
that you shove TNT in a huge pile of bird droppings and detonating it. You get the idea. Their bowel movements are far more
frequent than what is normal for a human. They also can create fireballs, and shoot them. And their burps are supersonic. Because
of their abilities they are the dominant species.
However, they have one weakness: radiation. But...
don't spread it around. Most Abada Acha birds are kind and compassionate, though a bit arrogant. However, a few
are evil. They try to control the whole planet, and the small groups of them are a huge problem. In order to combat the
growing threat, the Abada Acha birds created a military force and trained them in advanced combat. A small group of the most
trustworthy birds were given the ability to shapeshift through technology. They can acquire the body of another bird and can
change into it and back at will. To acquire a morph they must take a sample of its DNA (such as a drop of blood, a talon clipping
or a feather) put it in some coke (fresh from the bird) and drink it. They have 16 hours in a shape before they automatically
revert to their natural form for safety reasons. They live in trees that have been genetically engineered to be indestructible
and to grow in lava.
A close kin of the Abada Acha birds are GulliatoanWiki
birds. They look startlingly like Abada Acha birds and the only way to tell them apart is that they have a jewel on their
chest which shoots out bumpity booms. They can fly the speed of sound but don't have a lot of endurance, so they have
little motor scooters to get around with. The GulliatoanWiki birds can create fire and completely cover themselves in
flames without getting hurt (like human torch from fantastic four.) They also like to drop stones on people's heads.
Living directly underneath everyone are Oily birds.
They are about as smart as an earth dolphin. However, there is legend of a "seer", a bird born twice as smart as
any Abada Acha bird. It's like a mutant gene. Whatever they do they are persistent. Almost obsessive. Living in underground
petroleum pools means their feathers are soaked in crude oil, hence the name Oily bird. Oily birds are very strong and can
lift objects weighing up to 500 kg and have beaks as hard as diamonds.
All of the different varieties of birds
get along pretty nicely, each one fulfills a specific role. The Abada Acha birds being the most powerful (especially shape
shifters) provide protection. It is especially helpful to oily birds, because the Abada Acha birds eat gigantic meat eating
worms that are dangerous to oily birds. The Coca Cola Birds give out drinks which the Abada Acha birds really depend
on because without "Coca Cola" the shapeshifters couldn't acquire forms (No, I wasn't paid to endorse the Coca Cola company.
If you think this page is stupid get the [CENSORED] off my webpage because it seems you have no taste and can't appreciate
fine literature)
The GulliatoanWiki Birds being the fastest fliers
send out squads to fly out regularly and report possible dangers and advantages or anything else interesting, if anything.
Oily birds need this most because they evolved in complete darkness, and have terrible vision, preferring to use their hearing.
Oily birds mine mineral and oil resources which the GulliatoanWiki birds need the most because they need oil for their motor
scooters and minerals and ore to build the cities they live in. They coexist harmoniously and cooperate. All except one...
The Mother II doesn't need to cooperate with anyone. Everyone needs to cooperate with her. She is the ascendant ruler of the
Abada Acha birds. We aren't sure what her powers are, but, hypothetically, if every bird on the planet attacked
her, she'd probably win the fight. The Mother II was a benevolent ruler, but in recent years, she has taken on a more genocidal
approach. Once the population reaches a pre-specified limit, she must wipe it out. Otherwise, they will become
unstable, overpopulate and "pollute the surface world."
The Abada Acha birds lived peacefully
for many years however. But all that peace came to a brutal end as astronomers began to see the gateway too. Soon probes began
to enter their planet and thousands of people reported sightings of Abada Acha birds. Desperate Abada Acha birds began capturing
humans and wiping their minds, but people got suspicious as the number of amnesia cases tripled. Abada Acha birds felt that
humans were too barbaric. Too many wars, cruelties, and crimes. One could hardly expect humans to get along with aliens if
they couldn't get even along with themselves. Their media and fiction glamorized violence. Abada Acha birds knew that if their
existence was discovered it would mean war...
Yeah... Technically it's not so simple as that. There are evil Abada Acha birds. And many
of the birds belonging to the following species are decent and kind. I'm just talking generally.
Whicheadoricadanizzi birds
very secretive. A lot of these bad guys... birds are. They move so fast they are practically a blur,
and have been measured at speeds of up to 570 mph. Their saliva is venomous, and can cause severe damage
to the central nervous system. They don't seem as ingenious as Abada Acha birds, but are quite cunning and their
sheer memory is astounding. One has even memorized an oxford dictionary word for word. Most of them have
similar basic personality traits. The yare very introverted and complicated, they hold grudges and internalize their
feelings, letting them fester in the subconscious.
Questianoversianadario Birds are about as intelligent as a human but doesn't have the power of long memory. It loses some
data then renews it. It doesn't have special powers like others but is so amazingly rapid (fastest bird known) and
can travel at 1% the speed of light. That would be 1,860 mile per second. Yet they get tired VERY quickly.
birds are, essentially, dumb brutes. They huge, and quite strong, but move very slowly. They aren't exactly
invulnerable, but they take forever to kill. Very tough. You could shoot it in the head with a 50 caliber
machine gun, but that won't kill it.
birds: one of the weirder types. Basically parasites, they resemble a cloud of dust. Each "dust" particle seems
to be a separate entity, able to survive independently. Even so, they like to stick together, as they are able to
combine into a larger creature. When they are attacking, the dust enters the victim's bloodstream through pores
in their skin. Then, when lodged inside, the particles steal their soul in a vampire sort of way. There is one way
to stop them: heavy sound waves seem to disorient them, but there is no known way to kill them. Not much else
is known about them.
Yum Birds are floating gooey eyeballs that have amazing day and night vision, can see 360 degrees and as far as 60 miles.
The can lift things that would be much too heavy for other birds through telekinesis. They're very fragile
and easy to kill. They never speak, so it's really hard to tell how intelligent they are. Some have been captured for study,
yet no one really understands them. As far as anyone knows, they have no internal organs, just cytoplasm.
birds are incredibly intelligent, scoring more than 300 on standard IQ tests. They need to be smart to say their
own name. They hide in a secret lab underground doing genetic experiments making monsters. They huge heads, which house
huge, but fragile brains. A light blow to the skull can be traumatic. Nunathloogagamiutmuggablogbingoiformaldehydetetramethylamido-fluorimummuggablogaqqplkjnmnpthversianadariocheadoricadanizzimmx
have a very nihilistic, amoral view of life. Some of their best creations were the following:
A nearly invulnerable bloodsucking blob
with neon colors made partly from the DNA of a Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamuggablog
bird. The goo conducted electricity so Abada Acha birds ran a current through it and immobilized it with a giant
electromagnet and effectively prevented it from fighting back. Eventually the blob melted thanks
to the GulliatoanWiki bird's flame.
gigantic spider (some Abada Acha birds are arachnophobic) that was
granted shape shifting powers. The Abada Acha birds discovered that it was using the same technology
that fueled Abada Acha bird's shape shifting so they were able to capture it. Abada Acha birds knew how to take
away shapeshifting powers, so they just took out its shapeshifting powers. Then they killed it with bug spray.
also made a bird that would take on any energy it was exposed to. For example if a GulliatoanWiki bird torched it
with fire, it would turn into a fire monster; if an oily bird threw a boulder at it would be a super strong rock monster. Abada
Acha birds lured it onto sand and burned the sand under its feet melting it into glass. It became a glass monster
so they shattered it. Ouch...
Final Experiment was a hyper-intelligent shape shifter that could turn itself into anything it envisioned. It turned
into a 50 story lizard that had breath that could freeze anything solid and also was armed with gigantic thorny
vines. It once pretended to be a can of coke. Just as an Abada Acha bird began to drink it turned into a can of poison.
It can outwit, overpower, hypnotize, and has no known weakness. Even now it lives on.
Blrblqpknmjjpsxnzyyybnbhsshbb birds are a paranoid race of birds. Lord knows how many voices are running in its head at the
same time. Their main ability is to produce crystals out of thin air. The crystals are harder than diamond and the Blrblqpknmjjpsxnzyyybnbhsshbb
birds are covered in crystals, much like a porcupine. They can grow a wall of crystals around them (called a kristil woll)
and use it as a shield. Imagine you are charging at it an all of a sudden you crash into something. SMACK!! You
look up and see that it is a giant semitransparent purple spike that appeared out of nowhere. Lastly, they can launch crystals only
up to 1 square inch in total; it can be smaller but not bigger. The crystal launching is just like a gun. They're far
from invulnerable, but their crystal armor is quite tough. For comparison purposes, they are about equally matched
with an Abada Acha bird in terms of combat.
Wakynunu Birds don't seem to any goals, desires, or sense of purpose. They're hungry for information and are
constantly trying to learn new things and get a better understanding of the world around them and how things work. Disassembling
machines so they can learn how to put them back together. Often there is no real point to it, but that's what they
do. They flap their wings and never seem to get tired. We learn more and more about them. They seem so peaceful, even detached.
They mean no harm to anyone and aren't enemies even though this page title is 'bad guys'. They've maintained a state
of neutrality. They don't attack. They are equipped with the ability to protect themselves by summoning a shielding
bubble. We don't know about anything they eat but we do know that they live in isolation. They do what
they please. They are green in color and are about the size of a young child.